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A set of Finetest control solutions will help each owner of a Finetest glucose meter to check the accuracy of determining blood glucose levels with this device. Please note that the kit is intended only for use with Finetest test strips and glucose meters!
It is recommended to check the operation of the blood glucose meter on average 1 time per week. It is simply necessary to check if there is the slightest doubt about the accuracy of the tests carried out with the help of a blood glucose meter, as well as at the beginning of using a new package of test strips.
You can also use a set of Finetest control solutions to practice, starting self-measurement of blood glucose for the first time. This technique will help you learn how to use a glucose meter and test strips for those who need to monitor the amount of sugar in their blood. It is also suitable for demonstrating the operation of a blood glucose meter, for example, in a polyclinic or just to a friend who is just starting to operate the device.
The set of Finetest control solutions includes 3 2ml vials. Each of them is designed to test certain glucose levels, which is indicated on the label: reduced, normal and elevated.
Method of application:
The coincidence of the ranges of values indicated on the package with test strips and determined by the glucometer with those on the vial with the control solution suggests that using the tested glucometer and/or test strips, it is possible to obtain a reliable result of blood glucose levels.
The volume of one bottle is enough to carry out about 75 control measurements.
From the moment of opening the bottle, its shelf life is 3 months.
The set of Finetest control solutions is not included in the package together with the glucometer, but is purchased separately.
If you have any questions during the verification of the results of testing the glucose meter and test strips using a set of control solutions, please contact an official representative.